CA Congress Districts and Membership 2024-2026
The 119th Congressional Districts dataset reflects boundaries from January 03, 2025 from the United States Census Bureau (USCB), and the attributes are updated every Sunday from the United States House of Representatives and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). Source data from USDOT is at Districts feature layer is updated as-needed and we expect to update it more regularly in the future.Attribute SchemaSTATEFP: The STATEFP is the State fips code.CD119FP: The CD119FP is the Office number of the corresponding district.GEOID: The GEOID is a concatenation of the state fips code and the district number. GEOIDFQ: The GEOIDFQ attribute facilitates joining Census Bureau spatial data to Census Bureau summary file data from It stands for the "Fully Qualified Geographic Identifier".NAMELSAD: The NAMELSAD is the Congressional District labeled name.LSAD: The LSAD is the Legal/Statistical Area Description.CDSESSN: The CDSESSN is the Congress District Session.MTFCC: The MTFCC is the MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code for "Congressional District".FUNCSTAT: The functional status (FUNCSTAT) code defines the current functional status of a geographic entityALAND: The ALAND is the Land Area (square meters).AWATER: The AWATER is the Water Area (square meters).INTPTLAT: The INTPTLAT is the Latitude.INTPLON: The INTPLON is the Longitude.OFFICE_ID: The OFFICE_ID is the Office number of the corresponding district.BIOGUIDE_ID: The BIOGUIDE_ID is the Biographical Directory of the US Congress.OFFICE_AUDIT_ID: PREFIX: The Prefix is the Member's title.FIRSTNAME: The FIRSTNAME is the Member's first name.MIDDLENAME: The MIDDLENAME is the Member's middle name.LASTNAME: The LASTNAME is the Member's last name.SUFFIX: The SUFFIX is the Member's suffix.LISTING_NAME: The LISTING_NAME is the Member's last name and first name.PHONE: The PHONE is the last five digits in the office phone number to reach the Member.WEBSITEURL: The WEBSITEURL is the Member's website link.VACANT: The VACANT field is a 'Y' or 'N' for the Member's vacancy.CONTACTFORMURL: The CONTACTFORMURL is direct access to the Member's contact form.PHOTOURL: The PHOTOURL is the link to a photo of the Member.FACE_BOOK_URL: The FACE_BOOK_URL is a link to the Member's Facebook link.TWITTER_URL: The TWITTER_URL is the Member's Twitter link.YOUTUBE_URL: The YOUTUBE_URL is the Member's Youtube link.INSTAGRAM_URL: The INSTAGRAM_URL is the Member's Instagram link.FLICKR_URL: The FLICKR_URL is the Member's Flicker link.PARTY: The PARTY is the party that the Member represents.DISTRICT: The DISTRICT is the district number.VACANCY: ROOM_NUM: The ROOM_NUM is the Member's office room number.HOB: is the Room Code 'Cannon House Office Building', 'Longworth House Office Building', 'Rayburn House Office Building'.COMMITTEE_ASSIGNMENTS: The COMMITTEE_ASSIGNMENTS are the committees that the Member is assigned to.LAST_UPDATED:For more information
Data files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
CSV | Download | CSV | 02/07/25 |
Shapefile | Download | ZIP | 02/07/25 |
GeoJSON | Download | GEOJSON | 02/07/25 |
KML | Download | KML | 02/07/25 |
File Geodatabase | Download | ZIP | 02/07/25 |
Feature Collection | Download | TXT | 02/07/25 |