CAL FIRE Fuels Reduction Projects - Main Application
This application was developed to provide public information about CAL FIRE Fuel Reduction Projects with work within the current and previous fiscal years. This item is the main application, which makes use of several supporting items in AGOL.-------------------------- The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) collects, manages, and distributes information systematically across its Wildland Fuels Reduction programs. Projects are funded through state and federal funding mechanisms and administered by several departmental programs and collaborating partner agencies statewide. The CAL FIRE Management Activity Project Planning & Event Reporter (CalMAPPER) is the Department’s mechanism to capture map based data about project activities. This information can then be distributed to internal or external stakeholders for purposes of planning, accountability, management, and emergency response.What's Included in this Application? The data in this application represents a static view of the CalMAPPER data as of the date indicated in the lower right corner of the application. The application data is updated monthly. This application only includes data for the current and previous fiscal years (as indicated on the Overview tab's headers). Fiscal Year refers to the State fiscal calendar and runs from July 1 - June 30. As such, the current fiscal year represents an incomplete reporting period, and caution should be exercised when comparing to the previous fiscal year. The first reports of the new fiscal year begin in August, which is when there is a full month of data (July) available for the new fiscal year. What is included in this application:Active and completed activities in the period of interest.Activities with a treatment objective of Broadcast Burn, Fuel Reduction, Fuel Break or Right of Way Clearance.California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP)* projects with fuel reduction activities (ex: Thinning, Pruning, Site Prep, Release, Follow up, etc). These are all categorized as Fuel Reduction in this viewer.Fire Plan, Vegetation Management Program (VMP), and California Vetetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) activities where CAL FIRE or Contract County resources are committed.Wildfire Prevention and Forest Health* grant funded projects, including work performed by grantees and contractors.What's not included in this application:Planned activities.Pest management/control, reforestation, ecological restoration, fire prevention education, and other objectives not listed above.Projects planned, managed, and implemented by the Federal Government on Federal property without CAL FIRE involvement.* Wildfire Prevention and Forest Health Grant Program and CFIP accomplishments are based on invoices received & entered in CalMAPPER. Invoices are often received a month or more after the activity occurred, resulting in a potential delay before projects and acres are represented in this application.