CAL FIRE Working Forest Harvest Notices TA83
Working Forest Management Plans (WFMPs) and Working Forest Harvest Notices (WFNs) approved by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for landowners with less than 10,000 acres of land, not primarily engaged in the manufacture of forest products. Objectives include maintaining, restoring, or creating uneven aged managed timber stand conditions, achieving sustained yield, and promoting forestland stewardship that protects watersheds, fisheries and wildlife habitats, and other important values on non-federal lands in California. WFMPs are living documents that do not expire. For more information, see Subchapter 7, Article 6.95, Working Forest Management Plan, of the California Forest Practice Rules. Actual timber operations are conducted under Working Forest Harvest Notices (WFNs). Data from 2020 to present. This data set is in the California Teale Albers NAD83 meters projection (TA83).Link to the California Forest Practice Rules: additional information on specific plans see the California Timber Regulation and Environmental Evaluation System (CalTREES):