Cal VTP Treatable Landscapes - Web Application

This web application provides a viewing platform for the California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) web map. The purpose of this viewer is to allow the general public to view treatable areas as designated in the CalVTP PEIR. This web application will persist as long as the life of the CalVTP PEIR. GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE OF THE CalVTP: TREATABLE LANDSCAPE Appropriate areas within which to implement vegetation treatments as part of the CalVTP were identified by dividing the State Responsibility Area (SRA) into vegetation types from the California Wildlife Habitat Relationship (CWHR) system. Certain vegetation types were excluded because their wildfire risks are negligible (e.g., wet meadow, estuarine). Agricultural vegetation types were also excluded because this land is generally outside the SRA. Using this method, 20.3 million acres within the 31 million-acre SRA were identified that may be appropriate for vegetation treatments as part of the CalVTP. Throughout this PEIR, this area is called “treatable landscape” or "treatable areas".  It is important to note that the treatable landscape represents areas suitable for CalVTP vegetation treatments, but projects will not necessarily occur in every location within the treatable landscape. The location and geographic extent of projects will be determined based on several factors, including environmental constraints and treatment objectives. Appendix PD-1 in the Final PEIR provides a description of Treatable Landscape Modeling. Download the CalVTP PEIR and Appendices here: Click the icons above to turn layers on and off, see the legend, change the basemap, calculate the treatable landscape acreage within a designated project area, and print a PDF map.

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ArcGIS Hub Dataset


ArcGIS GeoService
