California's Groundwater Update 2020 (Bulletin 118)

California's Groundwater Update 2020 (CalGW) is California's foremost technical publication on groundwater in the state of California. CalGW, formally known as Bulletin 118, is legislatively mandated by Water Code 12924 to be updated every 5 years by the California Department of Water Resources. This dataset includes the full publication of CalGW - Update 2020, a link to the new [California's Groundwater Live]( platform and all supporting data used in the creation of the report which was finalized on November 16, 2021. CalGW - Update 2020 consists of an Executive Summary (Highlights) and seven chapters commonly referred to as the Statewide Report. Due to the large file sizes, the Update has been broken into multiple pdf documents for the ease of downloading these large files. For more information on California's Groundwater (Bulletin 118) including historical publications please visit [California's Groundwater (Bulletin 118) Open Data Page](

Data files

Data title and descriptionAccess dataFile detailsLast updated

CalGW Update 2020 - Production Well Information (1977-2018)

This zipped file includes 3 excel files and 2 ArcGIS shapefiles. Statewide_Production_WCRs_1977-2018.xlsx is a filtered summary of all production wells from the list of Well Completion Reports. This summary was cleaned up to only include wells with a known depth. Any well with an erroneous spatial location was removed from the analysis (read more about this in the Bulletin 118 Appendix C Methods and Assumptions). The Statewide_Production_WCRs_1977-2018.xlsx dataset was used to create Figures 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, 3-11, 3-12, 3-13, and 3-14, as well as Tables 3-19, 3-20, and 3-21. MTRS_with_Domestic_Well_Counts.xlsx is a summary of the MTRS_Domestic_Well_Counts.shp polygon shapefile. Polygon sections are only included if the domestic well count within each section is 1 or greater. MTRS_with_Irrigation_Well_Counts.xlsx is a summary of the MTRS_Irrigation_Well_Counts.shp polygon shapefile. Polygon sections are only included if the irrigation well count within each section is 1 or greater. These datasets were compiled using the Production Well information, but summarized by MTRS instead of by individual wells, to better show well density for Figures 3-9 and 3-10. MTRS = Meridian/Township/Range/Section


CalGW Update 2020 - GW Level Monitoring Wells (2015-2018)

The CalGW Update 2020 — GW Level Monitoring Wells (2015–2018) dataset was compiled from groundwater-level monitoring program information from DWR’s California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) and the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS’s) National Water Information System (NWIS). Privately collected and locally maintained groundwater-level data were not included in this report. Groundwater-level monitoring information represents data from those wells that were measured from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018, and have had data entered into DWR’s CASGEM or USGS’s NWIS online databases as of August 28, 2019. This dataset includes an excel spreadsheet and shapefile which were used to create Tables 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, and 5-5, and Figures 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, and 5-5.


CalGW Update 2020 - GW Quality Monitoring Stations (GAMA)

The CalGW Update 2020 — GW Quality Monitoring Stations dataset is based on data accessed in the State Water Resources Control Board’s Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA). The GAMA database was queried in July 2020 for all groundwater stations that fall within the boundaries of DWR’s hydrologic regions to create a statewide dataset of groundwater quality monitoring stations. This dataset includes an excel spreadsheet and shapefile, which were used to create Table 5-6, and Figure 5-6.


CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence at CGPS Stations

The CalGW Update 2020 — Land Subsidence Continuous Global Positioning System (CGPS) Stations dataset was created by merging information from two different sources that publicly host CGPS stations data. The two entities are the Scripts Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC) and Unavco, Inc. Active CGPS stations in California were queried from both sources and were combined to create a statewide layer. This dataset includes an excel spreadsheet and six shapefiles. These were used to create Table 5-7 and Figure 5-7.


CalGW Update 2020 - Stream Gages in California

The CalGW Update 2020 — Stream Gages in California dataset is based on the following publicly available sources: California Data Exchange Center, USGS’s Water Data website, and the National Weather Service’s Hydrometeorological Automated Data System. Each source was queried for all stream gages in California. The results from the three queries were combined into one comprehensive, statewide dataset in both excel and shapefile format. Some stream gage stations were found to be duplicated across one or more of these databases. In those cases, the station was reduced to a single record in the new dataset produced for CalGW Update 2020. This dataset was used to create Table 5-8 and Figure 5-8.


CalGW Update 2020 - Mann-Kendall GW Level Trends (1998-2018)

This zipped dataset includes an excel file and an ArcGIS shapefile for the Mann-Kendall Groundwater Level Trends between 1998 and 2018. This dataset was used to create Figure 6-5. Groundwater levels at selected wells were analyzed using the Mann-Kendall non-parametric test to determine whether a statistically significant trend (declining trend, no trend, or increasing trends in groundwater levels) was present during the specified time period. A 21-year analysis period (1998 through 2018) was selected. The data used came only from wells that have at least 10 years of data within the 1998–2018 time period. This period includes the dry periods of 2001–2002, 2007–2009, and 2012–2016; and wet periods of 1998–2000, 2005–2006, 2011, and 2017 that were as defined by water year types according to Sacramento River and San Joaquin River indices. If a statistically significant trend was observed, the Theil-Sen method was used to calculate the estimated slope of the trend line to quantify the decline or increase.


CalGW Update 2020 - GW Level Change (2010-2018)

The CalGW Update 2020 - GW Level Change (2010-2018) dataset includes an excel spreadsheet and shapefile, which summarize the total groundwater level changes measured at groundwater monitoring wells statewide for the eight-year summary 2010-2018. This dataset was used in conjunction with the CalGW Update 2020 - GW Level Change (2015-2018) dataset to create Table 6-1. This dataset was also used to create Figure 6-7.


CalGW Update 2020 - GW Level Change (2015-2018)

The CalGW Update 2020 - GW Level Change (2015-2018) dataset includes an excel spreadsheet and shapefile, which summarize the total groundwater level changes measured at groundwater monitoring wells statewide for the three-year summary 2015-2018. This dataset was used in conjunction with the CalGW Update 2020 - GW Level Change (2010-2018) dataset to create Table 6-1. This dataset was also used to create Figure 6-6.


CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence Vertical Displacement Points

The CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence Vertical Displacement Points dataset summarizes the vertical displacement measured at continuous GPS sites. The vertical displacement (in feet) recorded at continuous GPS stations through December 31, 2018, shows the total vertical displacement for each station, from the individual record start dates until December 31, 2018. To filter out high frequency noise, a 31-day rolling average was applied to the timeseries data. The averaged vertical displacement between the individual record start dates until December 31, 2018, was calculated for each station. This shapefile was used along with InSAR data to create Figure 6-19.


CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence Vertical Displacement Polygon

The CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence Vertical Displacement Polygon dataset is a shapefile based on the InSAR found at this open data link: The raster layer for total subsidence from June 13, 2015, to June 1, 2018, was classified to 0.25-foot intervals and converted to a polygon layer. The resulting subsidence polygon layer was intersected with the hydrologic regions and the area was calculated for each subsidence interval and hydrologic region. This dataset is used to create Table 6-12.


CalGW Update 2020 - GW Change in Storage (2006-2018)

The CalGW Update 2020 - GW Change in Storage (2006-2018) is a zip file containing 1 shapefile and 1 excel file. The shapefile, Reporting_Area_CV.shp, was used for the Bulletin 118 analysis for change in stored groundwater and shows the areas per Central Valley Hydrologic Region that are within a reporting area and outside of a reporting area. Reporting Area was found by creating a polygon around the extents of monitoring wells in DWR's Enterprise Water Management Database. The area in acres was force-calculated using the Shape_Area (in square meters) multiplied by 0.000247105, which is the square meters to acres conversion. This shapefile was used to create Figure 6-8 and Table 6-2. The excel file, Chap6_Statewide_Change_In_Storage, is a compiled dataset based on a series of queries from the DWR Enterprise Water Management Database. Annual changes in stored groundwater were estimated using annual spring groundwater level data from wells within the Central Valley. For each year from 2010 through 2018, an annual dataset of groundwater elevation points in the Central Valley was created. Using the annual spring groundwater level datasets, annual change-point datasets were created by calculating the difference in groundwater elevation at “like points” (wells measured during both monitoring periods) over each one-year time period. The calculated elevation difference at each of these monitoring points represents the total change in groundwater elevation that occurred between the two monitoring periods at that well. Eight change-point datasets were created, representing the groundwater level changes from 2010 to 2011, 2011 to 2012, 2012 to 2013, 2013 to 2014, 2014 to 2015, 2015 to 2016, 2016 to 2017, and 2017 to 2018. Each annual change-point dataset was then used to construct a triangulated irregular network “change surface” with GIS tools. Each change surface is an interpolated three-dimensional representation of the total volume of space between early and late groundwater elevation values for each time period analyzed. To obtain the change in stored groundwater estimates, the total volumes estimated from each annual change surface was multiplied by the low and high specific-yield values (0.07 and 0.17, respectively). This dataset was used to create Table 6-3, and Figures 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, and 6-12.


CalGW Update 2020 - GW Quality Conditions (2009-2018)

The CalGW Update 2020 - GW Quality Conditions (2009-2018) dataset assesses statewide groundwater conditions based on a query of the GAMA database (provided by the State Water Resources Control Board). The original query searched GAMA for the maximum groundwater quality sampling result for each chemical with an established maximum contaminant level (MCL) or secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL) from January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2018. All stations tagged as monitoring wells for permitted discharge sites, active contaminant investigations, or active cleanup sites were omitted from the dataset. The final queried dataset included more than 5 million records, more than can fit into an Excel spreadsheet, so this dataset was created summarizing the top 5 chemicals. The top 5 chemicals were determined by the highest percentage of stations that recorded a maximum value above the MCL or SMCL. This dataset includes an excel spreadsheet and its associated shapefile. The summary includes the status of each measurement, which fall into one of three categories for each chemical with an established MCL or SMCL: High (maximum recorded value above the MCL or SMCL); Medium (maximum recorded value between half the MCL or SMCL and the MCL or SMCL); Low (maximum recorded values less than half of the MCL or SMCL). This dataset was used to create Tables 6-4, 6-5, 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, and 6-11. This dataset was used to create Figures 6-13, 6-14, 6-15, 6-16, 6-17, and 6-18.


CalGW Update 2020 - Depth to Groundwater (Spring 2018)

The CalGW Update 2020 – Depth to Groundwater (Spring 2018) dataset includes two shapefiles and one raster, which summarize the depth to groundwater in Spring 2018 using points, contours, and a raster. The dataset was queried from the DWR Enterprise Water Management Database. The query selected a single measurement closest to March 15 for each well based on all measurements collected from January 1, 2018, through May 31, 2018. Additional filtering eliminated measurements from wells with quality codes indicating pumping or flowing water. This dataset was used to create Figures 6-2 and 6-3.


CalGW Update 2020 - Groundwater Elevation (Spring 2018)

The CalGW Update 2020 – Groundwater Elevation (Spring 2018) dataset includes a shapefile and a raster, which summarize the groundwater elevations in Spring 2018 using contours and a raster. The dataset was queried from the DWR Enterprise Water Management Database. The query selected a single measurement closest to March 15 for each well based on all measurements collected from January 1, 2018, through May 31, 2018. Additional filtering eliminated measurements from wells with quality codes indicating pumping or flowing water. This dataset was used to create Figure 6-4.


Supporting files

Data title and descriptionAccess dataFile detailsLast updated

How to Use California's Groundwater - Update 2020

A one-page guide on how to use California’s Groundwater - Update 2020.


California's Groundwater Update 2020 - Full Report

The Full Report of CalGW 2020 is the complete Update 2020 document including the Highlights and Statewide Report.


California's Groundwater Update 2020 - Highlights

California's Groundwater Update 2020 - Highlights includes an overview of material presented in the Statewide report and a list of findings and recommendations..


Agua Subterránea de California 2020 (Highlights in Spanish)

Agua Subterránea de California 2020 – Puntos Sobresalientes presenta un resumen de alto nivel del Informe Estatal, incluyendo un numero de hallazgos y recomendaciones.


California's Groundwater Update 2020 - Statewide Report (Chapters 1- 7)

The Statewide Report of CalGW 2020 includes all 7 chapters of Update 2020.


California's Groundwater Update 2020 - Chapter 1-6

Chapters 1 through 6 is the Statewide portion of CalGW 2020. This portion of the report contains an Introduction to California's groundwater, it's occurrence, economic Value, climate change, policy, use extraction, water budgets, management, monitoring, and conditions.


California's Groundwater Update 2020 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 contains the Hydrologic Region's Groundwater At a Glance portion of CalGW 2020.


California's Groundwater Live

In conjunction with the release of the latest version of California’s Groundwater (Bulletin 118) Update 2020, DWR released a new groundwater tool called California’s Groundwater Live. This new application provides powerful new tools for users to view, interact, and analyze the latest groundwater information in an open and transparent platform. California’s Groundwater Live provides the most relevant and recent groundwater information at the click of a button. The webpage also includes a series of interactive dashboards which allow users to interact and customize what groundwater data they would like to view. Users can filter the data by address, county, groundwater basin, well depth and even time period to see unique data summaries. California’s Groundwater Live has been developed for a variety of users including groundwater managers, governmental agencies, well owners, non-governmental organizations, water policy makers and members of the public interested in groundwater. From preparing for and responding to drought, to educating and empowering well owners, to helping GSAs engage with their communities to sustainably manage groundwater – this innovative platform gives users the power to explore groundwater information from a computer or smart phone. Welcome to the future of accessing groundwater information, welcome to California’s Groundwater Live.



Appendix A: Findings and Recommendations

Appendix A (Findings and Recommendations) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020. This appendix is scheduled to be released with the final release of California’s Groundwater - Update 2020. In the interim, the findings and recommendations can be found in the California’s Groundwater - Update 2020 Highlights document.


Appendix B: Glossary

Appendix B (Glossary) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020.


Appendix C: Methods and Assumptions

Appendix C (Methods and Assumptions) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020.


Appendix D: Citations, Reference Materials and Links

Appendix D (Citations, Reference Materials and Links) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020.


Appendix E: Groundwater - Understanding and Managing this Vital Resource

Appendix E (Understanding and Managing this Vital Resource) is an online story map explaining the importance of groundwater in California.


Appendix F: Hydrologic Region Basin Maps with Basin Tables

Appendix F (Hydrologic Region Basin Maps with Basin Tables) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020.


Appendix G: Water Use Data (Part 1:California Water Plan Data)

Appendix G (Water Use Data: Part 1) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020. This dataset summarizes California water use information developed for the California Water Plan for water years 2002 through 2016. This information was used to create figures 3-1 through 3-5 and tables 3-1 through 3-11 within chapter 3 of California's Groundwater Update 2020.


Appendix G: Water Use Data (Part 2: Basin and Non-Basin Agricultural Water Use)

Appendix G (Water Use Data: Part 2) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020. This dataset is a summary of agricultural water use within groundwater basins and non-basin areas for water year 2014. This dataset was used to create tables 3-12, 3-13, 3-16 and 3-17 within chapter 3 of California's Groundwater Update 2020.


Appendix G: Water Use Data (Part 3: Basin and Non-Basin Urban Water Use)

Appendix G (Water Use Data: Part 3) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020. This dataset is a summary of urban water use within groundwater basins and non-basin areas for water year 2014. This dataset was used to create tables 3-14, 3-15, 3-16 and 3-18 within chapter 3 of California's Groundwater Update 2020.


Appendix H: Hydrologic Region, Basin and County Data (Part 1: Hydrologic Region)

Appendix H (Hydrologic Region, Basin and County Data) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020: Hydrologic Region Data.


Appendix H: Hydrologic Region, Basin and County Data (Part 2: Basin)

Appendix H (Hydrologic Region, Basin and County Data) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020: Basin Data.


Appendix H: Hydrologic Region, Basin and County Data (Part 3: County Ordinances)

Appendix H (Hydrologic Region, Basin and County Data) of California's Groundwater - Update 2020: County Ordinances.


CalGW Update 2020 - Well Completion Reports (1977–2018)

This dataset includes all well completion reports submitted to the Department of Water Resources between 1977 and 2018 for newly constructed groundwater wells. This raw dataset was used to create the refined _CalGW Update 2020 - Production Well Information (1977-2018)_ dataset. This information was queried and downloaded from the Online System for Well Completion Reports (OSWCR) as of May 31, 2019. This dataset was used for the Chapter 7 Hydrologic Region Well Infrastructure summaries.


CalGW Update 2020 - GW Quality Constituents Detected (2009-2018)

CalGW Update 2020 - GW Quality Constituents Detected (2009-2018) dataset assesses statewide groundwater conditions based on a query of the GAMA database (provided by the State Water Resources Control Board). The original query searched GAMA for the maximum groundwater quality sampling result for each chemical with an established maximum contaminant level (MCL) or secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL) from January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2018. All stations tagged as monitoring wells for permitted discharge sites, active contaminant investigations, or active cleanup sites were omitted from the dataset. The final queried dataset included more than 5 million records, more than can fit into an Excel spreadsheet, so this dataset was created summarizing water quality conditions in each hydrologic region. This summary includes the number of wells which fall into one of three categories for each chemical with an established MCL or SMCL: High (maximum recorded value above the MCL or SMCL); Medium (maximum recorded value between half the MCL or SMCL and the MCL or SMCL); Low (maximum recorded values less than half of the MCL or SMCL). This dataset was used to create Table 6-6.


CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence InSAR Coverage

The CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence InSAR Coverage dataset summarizes the square miles and acreages of vertical displacement of land subsidence within groundwater basins in California, by hydrologic region. This spreadsheet is a summary of the attributes from the CalGW Update 2020 - Land Subsidence Vertical Displacement Polygon shapefile. This dataset was used to create Table 6-12.
