DSM2 Georeferenced Model Grid
ArcGIS and QGIS map packages, with ESRI shapefiles for the DSM2 Model Grid. These are not finalized products. Locations in these shapefiles are approximate. Monitoring Stations - shapefile with approximate locations of monitoring stations. DSM2 v8.2.0, calibrated version: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * dsm2_8_2_grid_map_calibrated.mpkx - ArcGIS Pro map package containing all layers and symbology for the calibrated grid map. * dsm2_8_2_grid_map_calibrated.mpk - ArcGIS Desktop map package containing all layers and symbology for the calibrated grid map. * dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_grid_map_qgis.zip - QGIS map package containing all layers and symbology for the calibrated grid map. * dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_gridmap_shapefiles.zip - A zip file containing all the shapefiles used in the above map packages: - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_channels_centerlines - channel centerlines, follwing the path of CSDP centerlines - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_network_channels - channels represented by straight line segments which are connected the upstream and downstream nodes - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_nodes - DSM2 nodes - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_dcd_only_nodes - Nodes that are only used by DCD - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_and_dcd_nodes - Nodes that are shared by DSM2 and DCD - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_and_smcd_nodes - Nodes that are shared by DSM2 and SMCD - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_gates_actual_loc - The approximate actual locations of each gate in DSM2 - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_gates_grid_loc - The locations of each gate in the DSM2 model grid - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_reservoirs - The approximate locations of the reservoirs in DSM2 - dsm2_8_2_0_calibrated_reservoir_connections - Lines showing connections from reservoirs to nodes in DSM2 DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map release notes (PDF), updated 7/12/2022 * DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map, single zoom level (PDF) * DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map, multiple zoom levels (PDF) - PDF grid map designed to be printed on 3 foot wide plotter paper. * DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version map package for ArcGIS Desktop: A map package for ArcGIS Desktop containing the grid map layers with symbology. * DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map shapefiles (zip): A zip file containing the shapefiles used in the grid map. Change Log ----------------- 7/12/2022: The document "DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map release notes (PDF)" was corrected by removing section 4.4, which incorrectly stated that the grid included channels 710-714, representing the Toe Drain, and that the Yolo Flyway restoration area was included.
Data files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
DSM2 v8.2 calibrated model grid - all layers, QGIS map package QGIS map package containing all the layers for the DSM2 v8.2 calibrated model grid. | Download | ZIP | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 v8.2 calibrated model grid - shapefiles for all layers This is a zip file containing all the shapefiles that are contained in the map packages, except for the monitoring stations layer. | Download | ZIP | 08/11/23 |
Bay-Delta monitoring stations Approximate locations of monitoring stations in the Bay-Delta system. The attribute table fields are as follows: id: CDEC style abbreviation agency_id: the station id used by the data provider name: the station name lat: latitude from the data provider lon: longitude from the data provider x: UTM Zone 10 Nad83 easting, based on lon, modified to improve accuracy y: UTM Zone 10 Nad83 northing, based on lat, modified to improve accuracy d1641_id: The D1641 ID wdl_id: The ID used by the DWR Water Data Library cdec_id: The ID used by the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) agency: The name of the data provider notes: Additional station information | Download | ZIP | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map shapefiles A zip file containing the shapefiles used in the grid map. | Download | ZIP | 08/11/23 |
Supporting files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
DSM2 v8.2 calibrated model grid - all layers, Arc GIS Desktop Arc GIS Desktop map package containing all the layers for the DSM2 v8.2 calibrated model grid. | Download | ARCGIS DESKTOP MAP PACKAGE | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 v8.2 calibrated model grid - all layers, Arc GIS Pro Arc GIS Pro map package containing all the layers for the DSM2 v8.2 calibrated model grid. | Download | ARCGIS PRO MAP PACKAGE | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map release notes (updated 7/12/2022) | Download | PDF | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map, single zoom level | Download | PDF | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version grid map, multiple zoom levels PDF grid map designed to be printed on 3 foot wide plotter paper. | Download | PDF | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 v8.2.1, historical version map package for ArcGIS Desktop A map package for ArcGIS Desktop containing the grid map layers with symbology. | Download | ARCGIS DESKTOP MAP PACKAGE | 08/11/23 |
DSM2 FC.2023.01 grid map, multiple zoom levels | Download | PDF | 08/30/23 |
DSM2 FC.2023.01 grid map, single zoom level | Download | PDF | 08/30/23 |