i12 CalSIMII OutputData Timeseries
These data were derived from the CalSim II schematic drawing and represent the approximate locations of the model outputs. The dataset includes the CalSim-II arc (location ID) for each point represented. The version of the model used to extract these locations is from the 2015 State Water Project (SWP) Delivery Capability Report. CalSim-II is the model used to simulate California State Water Project (SWP)/Central Valley Project (CVP) operations. It was developed by the DWR Bay-Delta Office (BDO) and United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). CalSim-II was used as the operations model for the California Water Commission (CWC) Prop 1 Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP). More Information about the model can be found at the CWC WSIP Application Resources Page. https://cwc.ca.gov/Pages/ApplicationResources.aspx Information about the related model results are available on the SGMO Data and Tools Page https://www.water.ca.gov/Programs/Groundwater-Management/Data-and-Tools