SB 535 Disadvantaged Communities 2022
This map shows the 2022 disadvantaged communities designated by CalEPA for the purpose of SB 535. These areas represent: Highest scoring 25% of census tracts from CalEnviroScreen 4.0, along with census tracts scoring in the top 5% of the Pollution Burden indicator but without an overall CalEnviroScreen score due to due to unavailable or unreliable Population Characteristics indicator data and score.All census tracts currently identified as disadvantaged but not in the highest scoring 25% census tracts in version 4.0 (i.e., the highest scoring 25% of census tracts in CalEnviroScreen 3.0 along with the census tracts with the highest 5% Pollution Burden scores, but without an overall CalEnviroScreen score). See the Disadvantaged Communities 2017 map here.Federally recognized tribal areas as identified by the Census in the 2021 American Indian Areas Related National Geodatabase. A Tribe may establish that a particular area of land is under its control, for purposes of this designation, by requesting a consultation with the CalEPA Deputy Secretary for Environmental Justice, Tribal Affairs and Border Relations at This map was last updated in May 2024 with additional tribal lands based on consultations that occurred in 2023 and 2024. Please see CalEPA's Draft Designation of Disadvantaged Communities Pursuant to Senate Bill 535 document as well as CalEPA's California Climate Investments to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities page.