Statewide Live Birth Profiles

This dataset contains counts of live births for California as a whole based on information entered on birth certificates. Final counts are derived from static data and include out of state births to California residents, whereas provisional counts are derived from incomplete and dynamic data. Provisional counts are based on the records available when the data was retrieved and may not represent all births that occurred during the time period. The final data tables include both births that occurred in California regardless of the place of residence (by occurrence) and births to California residents (by residence), whereas the provisional data table only includes births that occurred in California regardless of the place of residence (by occurrence). The data are reported as totals, as well as stratified by parent giving birth's age, parent giving birth's race-ethnicity, and birth place type. See temporal coverage for more information on which strata are available for which years.

Data files

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2023-2024 Provisional Births by Month Statewide

This data table reports the provisional monthly number of births that occurred in California regardless of the place of residence (by occurrence). __Provisional counts are based on the records available when the data was retrieved, given by Data\_Extract\_Date, and may not represent all births that occurred during the time period.__


1960-2022 Final Births by Month Statewide

This data table reports the statewide monthly number of births that occurred in California regardless of the place of residence (by occurrence) and births to California residents regardless of where they occurred (by residence).


1960-2022 Final Births by Year Statewide

This data table reports the statewide annual number of births that occurred in California regardless of the place of residence (by occurrence) and births to California residents regardless of where they occurred (by residence).


Data Dictionary - Births Statewide
