Urban Water Use Objectives – Relevant Data
The Making Conservation a California Way of Life regulation requires suppliers to annually calculate their objective, which is the sum of efficiency budgets for a subset of urban water uses: residential indoor water use, residential outdoor water use, real water loss and commercial, industrial and institutional landscapes with dedicated irrigation meters. Each efficiency budget will be calculated using a statewide efficiency standard and local service area characteristics such as population, climate, and landscape area. Where relevant, suppliers may also include in their objective “variances” for unique uses, or a bonus incentive for potable recycled water use.
Data files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
PWSID-DWRID Crosswalk <p>This dataset is a draft crosswalk, indicating which public water systems are owned and operated by which urban retail water suppliers. “Urban retail water supplier” means a water supplier, either publicly or privately owned, that directly provides potable municipal water to more than 3,000 end users or that supplies more than 3,000 acre-feet of potable water annually at retail for municipal purposes. The Department of Water Resources has assigned each Urban Retail Water Suppliers a unique "Organization Identification." Urban Retail Water Suppliers in California operate one or more public water systems. A “public water system” means a system for the provision of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances. The State Water Resources Control Board has assigned each public water system a unique "public water system identification." This dataset connects each Supplier's "Organization Identification" number to its "public water system identification" number or numbers. Systems identified in this crosswalk may not be relevant to the water loss or "Conservation as a Way of Life" regulations. Contact [orpp-waterconservation@waterboards.ca.gov](mailto:orpp-waterconservation@waterboards.ca.gov) for any questions or corrections to this crosswalk. | Download | CSV 41.09 KB | 02/27/24 |
Res-Indoor Budget: SDWIS Residential Population Consistent with Health and Safety Code section 116530 and California Code of Regulations title 22 §64412, public water systems report the population served during a specified reporting period and the population type, which can be reported as either Residential (R), Non-Transient (N), Transient (T), or Wholesale (W). This table contains residential (R) population data for public water systems owned and operated by urban retail water suppliers. ["Residential"](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/drinkingwater/documents/ear/ear-help-tips.pdf) refers to the number of persons who reside within the water system service area for more than half of the year. For each system, the R-population value represents the most recently reported and most contemporary value for the prior state fiscal year (July to June). The table also contains the beginning date for the period in which the water system has served the reported R-population. Public Water System data, including population, can be viewed using [Drinking Water Watch](https://sdwis.waterboards.ca.gov/PDWW/). If the population values identified in this dataset need to be revised, please contact the appropriate State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water [district office](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/programs/documents/ddwem/DDWdistrictofficesmap.pdf) and update accordingly. The Division of Drinking Water has documented the procedure to request population changes outside of the Electronic Annual Report [here](https://data.ca.gov/dataset/c69ac02b-adfb-459a-bc58-bf69a8b572d2/resource/0ba8a039-9459-4796-916d-179cf0da6173/download/guidance_changing-population-procedure.pdf). | Download | CSV 51.47 KB | 06/17/24 |
Res-Outdoor Budget: Landscape Area Measurement Release from the Department of Water Resources, containing a summary table of II, INI, and NI irrigation status classes, as well as horse corral areas, agricultural areas, and pool areas for all urban retail water suppliers. Column J of the spreadsheet is an “irrigable area” calculated as II + 0.20*INI per DWR’s recommendation in the outdoor water use standard ([Recommendations for Outdoor Residential Water Use Efficiency Standard](https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/Water-Use-And-Efficiency/2018-Water-Conservation-Legislation/Performance-Measures/ORWUS_STD_WUES-DWR-2021-02_COMPLETE.pdf)). Suppliers need to use the “irrigable area” data column to calculate efficient outdoor water use. Details of urban water use objective calculations can be obtained from [DWR’s Recommendations for Guidelines and Methodologies document](https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/Water-Use-And-Efficiency/2018-Water-Conservation-Legislation/Performance-Measures/UWUO_GM_WUES-DWR-2021-01B_COMPLETE.pdf). See the source page [here](https://data.cnra.ca.gov/dataset/dwr-urban-water-use-objective-data/resource/c45c90f7-fadb-45a8-b223-0d4c687c0c4c). To submit alternative data for consideration, contact [WUEStandards@water.ca.gov](mailto:WUEStandards@water.ca.gov). | Download | CSV 47.31 KB | 10/21/24 |
Annual Weather Data for FY2023-2024 This file contains weighted average ETo, total precipitation, and Peff data for fiscal year 2024 at the service area level for suppliers that have received their residential Landscape Area Measurement results from the Department of Water Resources. To submit alternative data for consideration, contact [WUEStandards@water.ca.gov](mailto:WUEStandards@water.ca.gov). | Download | CSV 29.23 KB | 10/14/24 |
Seasonal Weather Data for FY2023-2024 Seasonal ETo, Peff, and ETF data are provided for calculating agricultural variances for suppliers that have qualifying urban agriculture acreage in their service area. Seasonal values are weighted average values that are calculated based on crop acreages within the service area boundaries. Crop acreages are derived from DWR’s land use data layer ([CADWR Land Use Viewer](https://gis.water.ca.gov/app/CADWRLandUseViewer/?page=home)). The evapotranspiration fraction (ETF) was calculated from weighted average values of crop coefficient (Kc) and irrigation efficiency (IE), which are also provided in this file. | Download | CSV 29.89 KB | 10/14/24 |
Real Water Loss Budget: System-Specific Standards Consistent with California Code of Regulations title 23 §980 through §986, urban retail water suppliers are required to comply with real water loss standards. This table contains the real water loss standards for public water systems owned and operated by urban retail water suppliers. The list of public water systems in this resource is based on the PWSID-DWRID crosswalk resource that is also a part of the [Urban Water Use Objectives dataset and the April 9, 2024 water loss standards](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/conservation/water_loss_control.html). Consistent with §984 of the California Code of Regulations, default parameters in the economic model used to generate system-specific standards may be updated, upon supplier request. To submit a request for an update, please email [DDW-WaterLossControl@waterboards.ca.gov](mailto:DDW-WaterLossControl@waterboards.ca.gov). | Download | CSV 58.93 KB | 04/26/24 |
Real Water Loss: Data from Water Loss Audits This table includes a subset of information related to water loss and water system parameters, as reported by water systems in the water loss audits submitted to the Department. The [Water Audit Data](https://wuedata.water.ca.gov/awwa_export) are available on the WUE Data Portal. This table draws from the following fields: * Reporting start and end dates * Volume of real water losses, in acre-feet * Number of service connections * Length of mains * Audit status If available, this table contains data from water audits that were due by January 1, 2025; if those are unavailable, it contains data from the audits due by January 1, 2024. For water systems for which the listed data are unavailable from either year, the fields with information from the water loss audits are blank. This table includes data for public water systems owned and operated by urban retail water suppliers. The list of public water systems in this resource is based on the PWSID-DWRID crosswalk resource that is also a part of the Urban Water Use Objectives dataset. Consistent with Water Code section §10608.34, urban retail water suppliers are required to submit to the Department completed and validated water loss audits. California Code of Regulations section 638.5 identifies annual reporting requirements, which include the system-specific data entered into each field of the AWWA Free Water Audit Software. To submit or update an annual water loss report, please email [WaterLoss@water.ca.gov](mailto:WaterLoss@water.ca.gov). | Download | CSV 77.12 KB | 10/04/24 |
Potable Water Produced by URWS, per Source This table contains fields from per-source production data reported by public water systems owned and operated by urban retail water suppliers. The list of public water systems in this resource is based on the PWSID-DWRID crosswalk resource that is also a part of the Urban Water Use Objectives dataset. Consistent with Health and Safety Code section 116530, public water systems submit a technical report to the Board in a form and format and at intervals specified by the state; these data are submitted through the [SAFER Clearinghouse](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/drinkingwater/clearinghouse_drought_conservation_reporting.html). For each system, the table includes production data for the prior state fiscal year (July 2023 to June 2024), as well as associated information about the facility that produced the reported water. If the values identified in this dataset need to be revised, a supplier may reopen an already submitted report in the SAFER Clearinghouse to revise and re-submit. For more instructions on how to revise a report, consult the Clearinghouse Reporting User Guide [found here](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drought/resources-for-drinking-water-systems/docs/clearinghouse-reporting-user-guide.pdf). | Download | CSV 8.77 MB | 10/10/24 |
Potable and Non-Potable Water Deliveries for URWS This table contains fields from potable and non-potable water demand data reported by public water systems owned and operated by urban retail water suppliers. The list of public water systems in this resource is based on the PWSID-DWRID crosswalk resource that is also a part of the Urban Water Use Objectives dataset. Consistent with Health and Safety Code section 116530, public water systems submit a technical report to the Board in a form and format and at intervals specified by the state; these data are submitted through the [SAFER Clearinghouse](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/drinkingwater/clearinghouse_drought_conservation_reporting.html). For each system, the table includes potable and non-potable water use data for the prior state fiscal year (July 2023 to June 2024), if provided by the supplier. All values have been converted to gallons by State Water Board staff. If the values identified in this dataset need to be revised, a supplier may reopen an already submitted report in the SAFER Clearinghouse to revise and re-submit. For more instructions on how to revise a report, consult the Clearinghouse Reporting User Guide [found here](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drought/resources-for-drinking-water-systems/docs/clearinghouse-reporting-user-guide.pdf). | Download | CSV 1.03 MB | 10/10/24 |
Potable Supply and Sold/Exported for URWS This table contains fields from potable supply and water sold/exported data reported by public water systems owned and operated by urban retail water suppliers. The list of public water systems in this resource is based on the PWSID-DWRID crosswalk resource that is also a part of the Urban Water Use Objectives dataset. Consistent with Health and Safety Code section 116530, public water systems submit a technical report to the Board in a form and format and at intervals specified by the state; these data are submitted through the [SAFER Clearinghouse](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/drinkingwater/clearinghouse_drought_conservation_reporting.html). For each system, the table includes potable water use data, as well as volumes sold or exported to other entities, for the prior state fiscal year (July 2023 to June 2024), if provided by the supplier. All values have been converted to gallons by State Water Board staff. If the values identified in this dataset need to be revised, a supplier may reopen an already submitted report in the SAFER Clearinghouse to revise and re-submit. For more instructions on how to revise a report, consult the Clearinghouse Reporting User Guide [found here](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drought/resources-for-drinking-water-systems/docs/clearinghouse-reporting-user-guide.pdf). | Download | CSV 672.17 KB | 10/11/24 |
SB X7-7 Targets for Urban Retail Water Suppliers The Water Conservation Act of 2009 (Senate Bill X7-7) was enacted in November 2009 and required that all water suppliers increase their water use efficiency. Water Code section 10608.20 directed urban retail water suppliers (suppliers) to develop 2020 urban water use targets. This table contains the suppliers’ individual SB X7-7 targets. Because some suppliers deducted discrete demands from gross water use when calculating their 2020 urban water use targets, the table also contains the volume of those deducted demands, specifically for indirect recycled water and process water. Water Code section 10608.20(a)(1) and 10608.28 provided that suppliers may plan, comply, and report on a regional basis, individual basis, or both. Each group of water suppliers agreeing among themselves to plan, comply, and report as a region is referred to as a “regional alliance.” For those suppliers that took part in a regional alliance, this table also lists the regional alliance name and indicates whether the regional alliance has met its target. All data within this table were derived from the [2020 Urban Water Management Plans Open Data](https://data.ca.gov/dataset/2020-uwmp-data-export-tables), which were created using data submitted by suppliers to Department. Specifically, this table was created using the following fields: * Individual SB X7-7 target from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_9, column K * Indirect recycled water volume from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_4, column J * Process water volume from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_4, column L * Recycled and process water units from Tab SB_X7-7_VF_Table_0, column F * Regional alliance name from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_9 * Whether the regional alliance met its target Tab Regional_Alliance_Summary, column F As described in the [2020 Urban Water Management Guidebook](https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/Water-Use-And-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Use-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Management-Plans/Final-2020-UWMP-Guidebook/UWMP-Guidebook-2020---Final-032921.pdf)[(Appendix P.3.2)](https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/Water-Use-And-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Use-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Management-Plans/Final-2020-UWMP-Guidebook/Appendix-P---UWMP-2020.pdf), a supplier’s target may be updated if its service area has changed because of a consolidation, merger, annexation, expansion, or contraction. To learn more about this process, please e-mail [uwmphelp@water.ca.gov](mailto:uwmphelp@water.ca.gov). | Download | CSV 24.05 KB | 08/29/24 |
2023 CII Service Connections This table contains the number of metered and unmetered commercial and institutional (CI) and industrial (I) service connections from the 2023 Electronic Annual Report (EAR). The list of public water systems in this resource is based on the PWSID-DWRID crosswalk resource that is also a part of the Urban Water Use Objectives dataset. | Download | CSV 41.49 KB | 10/15/24 |
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State of California