PY1 2023 WQIP Quarterly Performance Report #3
The Workforce & Quality Incentive Program Quarterly Performance Report (WQIP) #3 for PY 1, 2023 contains following WQIP metrics: acuity-adjusted staffing, staffing completeness, staffing turnover, MDS clinical metrics, MDS data completeness, claims-based clinical metrics, Medi-Cal disproportionate share metric, and MDS racial and ethnic data completeness. The data set will include the distribution of facility-level scores for the currently available performance period data, as well as a comparison to the benchmark values for the MDS clinical and acuity-adjusted staffing hour metrics. If you need to reference the source for the HCAI IDs used in the Quarterly Performance Report #3, you can find it at [ELMS-OSHPD - Licensed and Certified Healthcare]( Data Period: Acuity-Adjusted Staffing Hour Metrics Measurement Area: April 2023-September 2023 Staffing Turnover Metric Measurement Area: July 2022-June 2023 (with look-back and look-forward quarters: April 2022-September 2023) MDS Clinical Metrics Measurement Area: July 2022-June 2023 Medi-Cal Disproportionate Share Measurement Area: January 2023-December 2023 MDS Racial and Ethnic Data Completeness Measurement Area: January 2023-December 2023
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